Low Loss IGBT Modules
SKM 400GA124D
-MOS input(voltage controlled)
-N channel,homgeneous Si-structure(NPT-Non punch-through IGBT)
-Low inductance case
-Very low tail current with low temperature dependence
-High short circuit capability,self limiting to 6xIcnom
-Latch-up free
-Isolated copper baseplate using DBC Direct Copper Bonding Technology
-Large clearance(12mm) and crepage Distances(20mm)
Typical Applications
-Switching(not for linear use)
-Inverter drives
ADD.:836,8/F.,Beverley Commercial Center,87-105 Chatham RD.,Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon,Hongkong
TEL.:+86-755-8418 2951
FAX.:+86-755-8418 2951